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Category Archives: Family Law

Can Your Stimulus Check Be Taken Back to Pay Child Support?

The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act brought much-needed assistance to Americans suffering from the economic downturn during the pandemic. The CARES Act gave qualifying individuals $1,200 and married couples $2,400. For each child aged 16 and under, parents received $500. Talks of the next stimulus package have been underway, with a second […]

Petitioning for Child Custody as an Equitable Caregiver

In July 2019, Georgia gave legal recognition to the importance of the role that a non-biologically related adult can play in a child’s life. With the passage of the Equitable Caregiver Act, the courts may grant custody and visitation rights to stepparents and certain other people who have provided care and support to a child. […]

How Does the Length of Your Marriage Affect Spousal Support?

In Georgia, spousal support (frequently called alimony) is not calculated using a specific formula. Instead, courts determine the amount and duration of spousal support by considering each party’s financial situation, the needs of the requesting party, the ability of the other party to pay and other factors. Length of the marriage is among the factors […]

How a Coronavirus-related Income Loss Could Affect Your Alimony and Child Support

Many people have faced a job loss or reduction in income due the coronavirus pandemic. In such a case it might be difficult for an ex-spouse paying alimony or a parent sending child support to keep up with their obligation. As these orders are based on the financial circumstances that existed at the time they […]

Communicating With Your Ex About COVID-19 Custody Issues

During a crisis such as the COVID-19 pandemic, family becomes more important than ever, especially for children whose schedules have been disrupted by long-term school closures and the cancellation of other activities. Parents who are divorced or live apart for other reasons know the importance of maintaining healthy communication through difficult situations. Though this situation […]